Friday, March 16, 2012


The Golden Toaster!
David joined the Garden City Toastmasters Club last year. In case you haven't heard of Toastmasters (or are uncertain what they are all about) here is their mission statement: "The mission of a Toastmasters club is to provide a mutually supportive and positive learning environment in which every individual member has the opportunity to develop oral communication and leadership skills, which in turn foster self-confidence and personal growth." I should add, from having attended a meeting or two, that they also have a lot of fun. The Golden Toaster (above) is one sign that they don't take themselves too seriously!

The Toastmasters run a contest each year called the International Speech Contest. You can participate if you have worked up to a certain level in your Toastmaster's handbook, and David has, so some of the people in his club encouraged him to enter the contest. It is called International because when you get to the highest level of the contest, it is an international event - the winner last year was from Australia!

The contestants being addressed by the Area Governor.
 In the speech contest, you have to give a speech 5-7 minutes long (yes, they time you, and yes you are disqualified if it is too short or too long), that you have written. Any topic! The first place to compete is at your club. David entered with a speech on gratitude and contentment, and won at his club! Last night the winners of clubs in the area competed at the Area contest, and David won that contest too!

The Area 57 Speech Contest Winner!!
There is another contest that runs at the same time called an Evaluation Contest. The Evaluators all listen to the same speech and then have to give the speaker feedback. Judges judge the feedback of each evaluator for its analytical quality, recommendations and other points. The fellow from Garden City Toastmasters won that contest, so the Garden City Club did very well last night!
David and Joe - the Garden City winners!
 Now David and Joe both move on to the next level which is called the Division (we are in Division L, which is all of Niagara). The Divisional Contest is on March 30th in Dundas - let me know if you'd like to come! All the Marshwiggles were out last night, and were very excited to have their Daddy win the contest! We are all so proud of him!
The winners with the Divisional Governor
We thank God for giving David a great gift with his public speaking and know that He will use it for good in David!


The Lee Family said...

fantastic! Congratulations, David!

Tereasa said...

Congratulations and what a fabulous topic!