Monday, August 11, 2008

Paddling Marshwiggles!

We've just completed a family canoe trip to the Peterborough area. We had a great time! The weather was pretty bad, we had rain each day, but never for the whole day. Sometimes it was a deluge, and sometimes a drizzle, with dry patches in between. We did see some sun on our way out of the park, but the rain came back on the drive home.

This was our first family trip with two canoes, here's Daddy's canoe:

And here's Mummy's:

One highlight of canoe trips is observing the natural world, here we are canoeing past a beaver lodge:

We saw turtles (a big hit for Tim!!), frogs, a blue heron and lots of chipmunks! We also appreciate the time we are able to spend together as a family, the children are a delight to watch playing together in God's beautiful world! There is also a wonderful sense of completion when you end a canoe trip - here's how some of our children felt:

And here's what Pip was doing at the same time:

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