Thursday, March 29, 2007

The Homeschool Choir

We had our homeschool Showcase on Tuesday evening. The church hall was filled with exhibits of work by the children, and Emily and Timothy had a table where they showed some of their history and science pages and some artwork. Upstairs, in the sanctuary we had about an hour and a half program with children playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, reciting and giving speeches. Part of the program was the homeschool choir singing their two pieces. They did a great job!

We had 19 children in our choir aged 4 - 12. Many of the children had worked at home and had done a fantastic job memorizing the words of the pieces, and they did what we had rehearsed - e.g. looked at me, ennunciated, etc. I was very pleased! We will likely do a couple more performances, and then stop for the summer, but there seems to be enough interest that we will have to start up a choir again in September. Here we are in action!

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